Upcoming Events
International Day To Fight Racism
The fight to end racism is on all of us. Let's embrace our differences and fight racism everyday.
What is a community ? Well... it is a society made up of individuals. We all want to be happy, to love, to have freedom and do not want to suffer. The more diverse these individuals the richer the community we live in and the society we belong to.
Issued in public interest by Think-Speak-Do Community Events on International Day to Fight Racism.
This video is created by Ciaran Irwin & Patrick Kirwan of Irish Radio International.
Upcoming Events
2nd Wednesday
Of Each Month
Blackpool Conversation Cafe
Where: Blackpool Library
We're extremely delighted to welcome you to a conversation cafe at Blackpool library every 2nd Wed of the month 11-12pm. Open to all..come as you are for a friendly chat and coffee. A diverse range of discussion themes will be picked for each month
Ticket : Free All Are Welcome!
3rd Thursday
Of Each Month
'Conversation Cafe' - In Cork City LIbrary.
Conversation Cafe in Cork City Library is a new social space where people from all communities can come together to chat and share experiences and ideas. Everyone is welcome to come along each month to meet and chat and share with others on an agreed theme, and enjoy refreshments along with presentations and information sharing.
Ticket : Free all are welcome
Venue : Cork City Library Doors: 10am